

Housed under the Peter P. Dhillon Centre for Business Ethics, the UBC Sauder Philanthropy Program (SPP) promotes an understanding of the practice and impact of philanthropy. Past activities have included a student mentorship program, social enterprise consulting and the development of an undergraduate course on philanthropy at UBC Sauder. SPP aims to educate UBC Sauder students about philanthropy by exposing them to local philanthropists and individuals working in the field of philanthropy, primarily through a speakers series.

Speakers Series

The UBC Sauder Philanthropy Program holds regular events during the fall and winter terms. Events feature prominent local business people speaking on relevant themes surrounding modern philanthropy. All students are welcome to attend. Please contact us for further information.

  • “A Step Beyond Business” panel event co-hosted with the UBC  Commerce Community Program featuring Mikaela Frame, Tamira Nasanbat and Sandrine Espie in March 2022

  • “Serving on a Non-Profit Board” Dhillon Centre talk in April 2021

  • “Corporate Philanthropy: Opportunities and Tradeoffs” Dhillon Centre talk in March 2021

  • “Volunteerism and Knowledge Philanthropy” Dhillon Centre talk in March 2020

  • “Trends and Best Practices in Corporate Philanthropy” Dhillon Centre talk in February 2020

  • "A Step Beyond Business” panel event co-hosted with the UBC  Commerce Community Program featuring Imran Jiwa, David Lee, Isobel O’Connell and Laura Plant in November 2019

  • “Corporate Philanthropy: Business, Responsibility and Giving” Dhillon Centre talk in March 2019
  • “The Roadmap to Philanthropy” with Abdul Ladha, Founder of Spark Global Philanthropic Foundation, in October 2018
  • “Getting Involved in the Non-Profit Sector: Options for Careers and Volunteering” with Christie Stephenson, in November 2018
  • “Philanthropy and Social Innovation” with Bruno Lam of UBC Sauder’s Centre for Impact Investing and Social Innovation, in March 2018
  • “Philanthropic Leadership” with Jack Wong, Chief Executive Officer of the Real Estate Foundation of British Columbia, in January 2018
  • “A Journey of Philanthropy” with Dave Mann, Founder of the MannKind Charitable Society, in November 2017
  • “Careers in Philanthropy” with Meriko Kubota, Director of Sponsorships and Community Investment at Mountain Equipment Coop, and Derek Gent, Executive Director, Vancity Community Foundation, in March 2017
  • “Canada’s Model of Charitable Giving” with Joel Solomon, Chair, Renewal Funds, in February 2017
  • “Philanthropy, Non-Profits and Responsible Business” with Greg Shell, Managing Director, Bain Impact Capital, in December 2016
  • “Impact Investing as a Major Philanthropic Trend” with Christie Stephenson, the Executive Director of the Dhillon Centre for Business Ethics, in October 2016
Image of woman with a headset talking