
It’s not about what you want to become, but who you want to be.

What does the future of business look like? We believe it will be shaped by leaders who set the highest standards for ethical and effective business practices. And we believe that can start here.

Watch how we bring rigour, respect and responsibility to life at UBC Sauder.

The UBC Sauder Experience

Ask yourself: What’s possible?

Team reviewing papers

Close-knit community.

Together, you'll experience a lot and accomplish even more. The work you do in the classroom is one thing. The projects you'll collaborate on, the international trips you can take - these are the kind of experiences that truly bond you to your classmates. Often for life.

Vancouver's Seawall

World-class. West Coast.

Ask any resident, visitor, Olympian, or TED presenter: with its picturesque oceanfront, majestic mountains and laidback West Coast spirit, Vancouver, Canada is truly spectacular. No wonder it’s consistently ranked one of the most livable cities in the world.

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Two team members working together

Personalized support.

There’s no denying our programs are rigourous. But when you have the full support of our faculty, staff and dedicated career advisors – not to mention a collaborative community – you have a team of people who have your back. For years after graduation.

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Team working on laptops

It’s vibrant here.

Our students have shown leadership qualities their whole lives. Now, they’re running clubs, organizing conferences, leading competitions and generally shaping extracurricular life on campus. This builds character. And CVs.

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A Global Experience

Thinking Beyond Your Borders

Business is international, careers span the globe; why shouldn’t education? Our student body is internationally diverse. Our faculty is too. This rich mosaic of cultures brings fresh perspectives. From the experiences you’ll have, to the people you’ll learn from, a UBC Sauder education is cross-cultural.

Watch how the world influences UBC Sauder. And how UBC Sauder influences the world.

Fist nation dancer

Honouring tradition.

We’re connecting the local and the global. The Ch’nook Centre is critical to that initiative, improving access for Indigenous students and incorporating Indigenous perspectives throughout programs designed for our internationally diverse student body.

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Business man

Promoting business ethics.

A leading international voice on business ethics, the Dhillon Centre is changing what we teach and how, equipping our students with the tools they need to take their signature brand of responsible leadership to the world stage.

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Celebrated Faculty

Get on a first name basis.

UBC Sauder is ranked #16 for business research excellence in North America,* making us one of the top research institutions in the world. Those who make this a world-renowned institution are the same people who teach your classes, bringing their wealth of experience to the classroom.

* QS Global 250 Business Schools Report 2017

Watch how we weave responsible leadership through everything we do.

Our Alumni Community

Game changers. Change makers.

On almost every continent you’ll find an active UBC Sauder alumni community. They host private art tours in London, deep dives into cryptocurrencies in Hong Kong, Canadian Thanksgiving dinners in San Francisco. Their ranks are already more than 40,000 strong, which means you’ll have more than 40,000 potential contacts to expand your career prospects.

Dan Eisendhart

Dan Eisendhart

MBA Exchange

Ahead of his time, Eisenhardt developed wearable technology so groundbreaking, his company Recon Instruments caught the eye of Intel.

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Janice Cheam

Janice Cheam


A purpose-driven class project turned energy-saving startup led Cheam down the path to become the current Entrepreneur in Residence at Entrepreneurship@UBC.

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Bradley Pierik

Bradley Pierik

Technology Entrepreneurship

When it comes to one of life’s most precious resources, Pierik is delivering. His company provides safe drinking water all over the world.

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Maryanne Mathias

Maryanne Mathias


As sustainable as it is beautiful, Mathias’s ethically made clothing line has been worn by the likes of Michelle Obama.

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Take the next step in your global business career.