UBC MSc in Business Administration

Transportation & logistics program structure

We are not accepting applications for the MSc program in Business Administration with a specialization in Transportation and Logistics for September 2023

Students are required to complete at least 18 credits of coursework and a 12-credit thesis. Students are also expected to attend the occasional Transportation and Logistics (TLOG) workshop where faculty, students, and invited speakers present their research.

Programs are designed with an advisor and/or the TLOG MSc program coordinator to meet the particular interests of individual students and to equip the students with research capability for completing an excellent thesis. Programs include methodology courses in fields such as economics, statistics, and management science. Interdisciplinary programs are possible by combining work in Commerce with courses in Engineering, Community and Regional Planning, Economics, and/or Geography.

MSc students take a combination of Master’s and PhD level courses. A limited number of senior undergraduate courses will also count towards the degree program. Some courses are required, and others are recommended:

Required Courses

  • Economics 480 or COMM 544 - Transport Economics
  • Economics 500 - Micro-Economics I or substitute
  • Economics 526 - Mathematics for Economists or substitute
  • COMM 549 - Master's Thesis

Recommended Electives

Please note that some of these courses may not be offered every year. In consultation with your advisor you may decide to take courses not included in this list including courses in other faculties, such as Economics, Civil Engineering, and Community and Regional Planning.

  • BABS 502 Forecasting and Time Series Prediction
  • BAIT 501 Survey of Information Technology Applications in Business
  • BAMS 503 Simulation Modelling I: Data Processing and Monte Carlo Simulation
  • BAMS 504 Simulation Modelling II: Queuing and Discrete Event Simulation
  • BATL 510 Introduction to Logistics and Operations Management
  • COMM 444 Air Transportation
  • COMM 445 International Shipping and Logistics
  • COMM 582 Statistical Methodology II
  • COMM 644 Advanced Topics in Transportation
  • ECON 527 Econometrics Methods of Economic Research
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