
Steven Shechter

Steven Shechter

Steven Shechter

BS, Mathematics (Loyola University Chicago),
MS, Operations Research (Georgia Institute of Technology),
PhD, Industrial Engineering (University of Pittsburgh)
Professor, Operations and Logistics Division
WJ VanDusen Professor of Business Administration

Selected publications

  • Piri H, Huh WT, Shechter S, Hudson D. Individualized Dynamic Patient Monitoring Under Alarm Fatigue. Operations Research, to appear, 2022.
  • Shechter S. Pediatrician Scheduling at British Columbia Women's Hospital. INFORMS Transactions on Education. Articles in advance, online, 2022.
  • Skandari MR , Shechter SM. Patient-type Bayes-adaptive treatment plans. Operations Research, 69(2): 574- 598, 2021. Paper
  • Carew S, Nagarajan M, Shechter S, Arneja J, Skarsgard E. Dynamic capacity allocation for elective surgeries: reducing urgency-weighted wait times. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, 23(2): 407-424, 2021. Paper
  • Sabouri A, Huh WT, Shechter SM. Screening strategies for patients on the kidney transplant waiting list. Operations Research, 65(5): 1131-1146, 2017.  Paper


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