
Robert L. Heinkel

Robert L. Heinkel

Robert L. Heinkel

BS MBA (Cal-State, Hayward), PhD (California Berkeley)
Portfolio Management Foundation Professor in Finance
Professor, Finance Division

Selected publications

  • Goldberg, Michael and Heinkel, Robert, and Levi, Maurice, (2005) "Foreign Direct Investment: The Human Dimension" The Journal of International Money and Finance, 24 (6), 891-912.
  • Barnea, Amir, Heinkel, Robert and Kraus, Alan, (2005) "Green Investors and Corporate Investment" Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 332-346.
  • Fisher, Adlai and Heinkel, Robert (2008) "Reputation and Managerial Truth-Telling as Self-Insurance" Journal of Economics and Management Strategy,17 (2), 489-540.
  • Barnea, Amir, Heinkel, Robert and Kraus, Alan, (2013) "Corporate Social Responsibility, Stock Prices and Tax Policy," Canadian Journal of Economics.

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