Richard Pollay research

Character and Consequences of Advertising

Prior to his engagement with tobacco marketing issues, Prof. Pollay's research sought to better understand the character and social and cultural role of advertising.  Towards this end, many of of papers have a historical perspective and are pleas for more historical research on marketing and advertising which had for too long been virtually neglected by US historians.

Ad Content and Character:

Pollay, Richard W., Judy Zaichowsky, and Christine Fryer (1980), "Regulation Hasn't Changed TV Ads Much!Journalism Quarterly, Vol. 57#3 (Autumn), 438-446.

Pollay, Richard W. ((1983), "Measuring the Cultural Values Manifest in Advertising,"Current Issues and Research in Advertising, Vol. 6#1, 71-92.

Pollay, Richard W., (1983), "Twentieth Century Magazine Advertising: Determinants of Informativeness,"Written Communication, Vol. 1 #1, 56-77.

Pollay, Richard W. (1984), "The Identification and Distribution of Values Manifest in Print Advertising, 1900-1980," in R.E. Pitts, Jr. and A.G. Woodside, eds., Personal Values and Consumer Psychology, Lexington Press, 111 -135.

Pollay. Richard W. (1981), "Content Categories: Definitions and Examples (for Content Analysis of Print Advertising, 1900-1980), UBC Faculty of Commerce (History of Advertising Archives) Working Paper No. 813. (last revised 1984)

Pollay, Richard W. (1985), "The Subsiding Sizzle: Shifting Strategies in Print Advertising, 1900-1980," Journal of Marketing, Vol. 49 No. 3 (Summer), 24-37.

Pollay, Richard W. (2011), “Biographic and Bibliographic Recollections re: Collections and Contributions,” Journal of Historical Research in Marketing, Vol. 3 #4; 507-527.

Cultural Effects of Commercialism

Pollay, Richard W. (1994), "Thank the Editors for the Buy-ological Urge! American Magazines, Advertising and the Promotion of the Consumer Culture, 1920-1980," in Jagdish N. Sheth and Ronald Fullerton, eds., Research in Marketing: Explorations in the History of Marketing (Supplement 6).  Westport, CT: JAI Press, 221-235.

Pollay, Richard W. (1986), "The Distorted Mirror: Reflections on the Unintended Con­se­quences of Advertising," Journal of Marketing, Vol. 50 (Spring), 18-36.   [Oft reprinted and cited, and required reading in most PhD programs.)

Pollay, Richard W. (1986), "Quality of Life in the Padded Sell: Common Criticisms of Advertising's Cultural Character and International Public Policies," Current Issues and Research in Advertising, Vol. 9 #2 (Reviews), 173-250.

Pollay, Richard W. (1987), "On the Value of Reflections on the Values in `The Distorted Mirror'," Journal of Marketing, Vol. 51 (July), 104-109.

Pollay, Richard W. (1989), Advertising as Myth Information: Myth, Mysticism and the Meaning of Life in a Material Culture.  Vancouver: UBC Faculty of Commerce, History of Advertising Archives. (Course Materials for a Distinguished Faculty Summer Seminar Series) (Table of Contents (only) here. For all reprints see binder Advertising as Myth Information.)

Lysonski, Steven and Richard W. Pollay (1990), "Advertising Sexism is Forgiven, but not Forgotten: Historical, Cross-Cultural and Individual Differences in Criticism and Purchase Boycott Intentions," International Journal of Advertising, Vol. 9, 319-331.

Pollay, Richard W. and Katherine Gallagher (1990), "Advertising and Cultural Values: Reflections in the Distorted Mirror," International Journal of Advertising, Vol. 9, 361-374.

Pollay, Richard W. and Banwari Mittal (1993), "Here's the Beef: Factors, Determinants and Segments in Consumer Criticism of Advertising," Journal of Marketing, Vol. 57 #3 (July), 99-114. [Won inaugural American Marketing Association “Best Article in Advertising Award.”  Award  assesses research five years after publication to judge research that “has stood the test of time as a much cited, memorable, and significant research effort” from all papers published in the American Marketing Association Journals: theJournal of Marketing, theJournal of Marketing Research and the Journal of Public Policy & Marketing. The same award later recognized “The Last Straw” on cigarette advertising’s impact ion youth.]


Pollay, Richard W. (1977), "The Importance, and the Problems, of Writing the History of Advertising," Journal of Advertising History, 1 #1 (Dec.):p3-5.

Pollay, Richard W. (1978), "Maintaining Archives for the History of Advertising," Special Libraries, 69 #4 (April):145-154.

  Pollay, Richard W. (1978), “Wanted: A History of Advertising,” Journal of Advertising Research, 18 #5 (Oct. 1978), 63-68.

Pollay, Richard W. (1979), Information Sources in Advertising History, Riverside, CT: Greenwood Press, 328 pages. (Abstract ad only)

Pollay, Richard W. (1984), "The Languishing of Lydiametrics: The Ineffectiveness of Econometric Research on Advertising Effects," Journal of Communication, Vol. 34 #2 (Spring 1984), 8-23.

Pollay, Richard W. (1987), "The History of Advertising Archives: The Confessions of a PAC-Rat," in Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 14, Paul F. Anderson and Melanie Wallendorf, eds., 136-139.

Pollay, Richard W. (1988), "Keeping Advertising from Going Down in History - Unfairly," European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 2