
Murali Chandrashekaran

Murali Chandrashekaran

Murali Chandrashekaran

BTech (Indian Institute of Technology Madras), PhD (Arizona State University)
Professor, Marketing and Behavioural Science
Fred Siller Professorship in Marketing

Selected publications

  • Qian, Cheng, Murali Chandrashekaran, and K. Yu, K. (2015), “Understanding the Role of Consumer Heterogeneity in the Formation of Satisfaction Uncertainty,” Psychology and Marketing, January.
  • Hada, Mahima, Rajdeep Grewal, and Murali Chandrashekaran, (2013), “MNC Subsidiary's Channel Relationship as an Extended Link: Implications of Global Strategies,” Journal of International Business Studies, August
  • Grewal, Rajdeep, Murali Chandrashekaran, Jean L. Johnson, and Girish Mallapragada (2011), “Environments, Unobserved Heterogeneity, and the Effect of Market Orientation on Outcomes for High-Tech Firms,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, December.
  • Grewal, Rajdeep, Murali Chandrashekaran, Alka Citrin (2010), “Satisfaction Heterogeneity and Shareholder Value,” Journal of Marketing Research, August.
  • Chandrashekaran, Murali, Rajdeep Grewal and Raj Mehta (2010), “Estimating Contagion on the Internet: Evidence from the Diffusion of Digital/Information Products,” Journal of Interactive Marketing, v. 24, 1-15. ** Lead article **


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