
Mitsuru Igami

Mitsuru Igami

Mitsuru Igami

PhD in Global Economics and Management (UCLA)
Associate Professor, Yale Department of Economics
Visiting Associate Professor, Strategy and Business Economics Division

Selected publications

  • Mapping Firms’ Locations in Technological Space: A Topological Analysis of Patent Statistics” (with Emerson G. Escolar, Yasuaki Hiraoka, and Yasin Ozcan), October 2023, Research Policy, 52 (8): 104821.
  • “Measuring the Incentive to Collude: The Vitamin Cartels, 1990–99” (with Takuo Sugaya), May 2022, Review of Economic Studies, 89 (3): 1460–1494.
  • “Mergers, Innovation, and Entry-Exit Dynamics: Consolidation of the Hard Disk Drive Industry, 1996–2016,” (with Kosuke Uetake), November 2020, Review of Economic Studies, 87 (6): 2672–2702.
  • "Artificial Intelligence as Structural Estimation: Deep Blue, Bonanza, and AlphaGo”, September 2020, Econometrics Journal, 23 (3): S1–S24.
  • “Estimating the Innovator’s Dilemma: Structural Analysis of Creative Destruction in the Hard Disk Drive Industry, 1981–1998,” June 2017, Journal of Political Economy, 125 (3): 798–847.

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