
Martin Puterman

Martin Puterman

Martin Puterman

AB (Cornell), MS, PhD (Stanford)
Professor Emeritus, Operations and Logistics Division
Advisory Board Professor of Operations

Selected publications

  • Lavieri, M., M. Puterman, S. Tyldesley and W. Morris. "When to Treat Prostate Cancer Patients Based on their PSA Dynamics" IIE Transactions in Health Care Systems, 2, 62-77, 2012.
  • Saure, A., J. Patrick and M. Puterman "Optimal Multi-Appointment Scheduling", EJOR, 223, 573-584, 2012. 
  • Aristizábal R, Chow VS, French J, Khurshed F, McGahan C, Puterman ML, Tyldesley S (2012). "Patient satisfaction after the redesign of a chemotherapy booking process". Healthcare Quarterly 15(3): 58-68.
  • Santibanez, P., R. Aristizabal, R., M. L. Puterman, V.S Chow, W. Huang, C. Kollannsberger, T. Nordin, N. Runzer, S. Tyldesley "Operations Research Methods Improve Chemotherapy Patient Appointment Scheduling", Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Safety, 38(12): 541-553
  • Puterman, M.L, Y. Zhang, S. Aydede, H. Bavafa, S. MacLeod, and J. Mackenzie, "A Framework for Evaluating a Lean Health Care Program", Healthcare Quarterly (in press).

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