
John Ries

John Ries

John Ries

BA (California Berkeley), MA PhD (Michigan)
Senior Associate Dean, Special Projects
HSBC Professor in Asian Business
Professor, Strategy and Business Economics Division

Selected publications

  • Head, K., Jing, R., Ries, J. (2017), "Import Sources of Chinese Cities: Order versus Randomness." Journal of International Economics, 105, 2017, 119-129.
  • Lee, H.H., Ries, J.  (2016), "Aid for Trade and Greenfield Investment." (with Hyun-Hoon Lee) World Development 84, 2016, 206-218.
  • Baggs, J., de Bettignies, Ries, J. (2013). "Product Market Competition and the Returns to Talent." Journal of Economics & Management Strategy 22(3) 569-593, (published on-line April 26, 2013)
  • Lee, S., Ries, J., Sommerville, T. (2013). "Repairs under Imperfect Information." Journal of Urban Economics 73, 43-56. (on-line publication October 30, 2012)
  • Head, K., Ries, J., Mayer, T. (2010). "The erosion of colonial trade linkages after independence." Journal of International Economics 81(1), 1-14.

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