
Guillermo Marshall

Guillermo Marshall

Guillermo Marshall

MA, PhD (Northwestern)
Associate Professor, Strategy & Business Economics Division
Director, Phelps Centre for Study of Government and Business

Selected publications

  • Lemus, Jorge and Guillermo Marshall (forthcoming) "Contingent Prizes in Dynamic Contests", The RAND Journal of Economics.
  • Lemus, Jorge and Guillermo Marshall (2021) "Dynamic Tournament Design: Evidence from Prediction Contests", Journal of Political Economy, 129, no.2: 383-420.
  • Luco, Fernando and Guillermo Marshall (2020) "The Competitive Impact of Vertical Integration by Multiproduct Firms", American Economic Review, 110, no.7: 2041-64.
  • Marshall, Guillermo (2020) "Search and Wholesale Price Discrimination", The RAND Journal of Economics, 51, no. 2: 346-374.
  • Marshall, Guillermo, and Álvaro Parra (2019) "Innovation and Competition: The Role of the Product Market", International Journal of Industrial Organization, 65: 221-247.

Links and other information