
Dan A. Simunic

Dan A. Simunic

Dan A. Simunic

BS (DePaul), MBA (Chicago), PhD (Chicago), CPA (Illinois - Inactive)
CGA Chair in Accounting
Faculty Member
Professor Emeritus Accounting and Information Systems Division

Selected publications

  • "Transaction costs and competition among audit firms in local markets", co-authored with Ling Chu, Minlei Ye and Ping Zhang, Journal of Accounting and Economics, 2018, Vol. 65, No.1, pp. 129-147
  • "The Joint Effects of Multiple Legal System Characteristics on Auditing Standards and Auditor Behavior", co-authored with Minlei Ye and Ping Zhang, Contemporary Accounting Research, Spring, 2017, Vol. 34, No.1, PP 7-38.
  • "Auditor Size and Audit Quality Revisited: The Importance of Audit Technology", co-authored with Louis-Philippe Sirois and Sophie Marmousez, Comptabilite - Controle - Audit, Vol. 22, No. 3 (December 2016), pp. 111-144
  • "Audit Quality, Auditing Standards, and Legal Regimes: Implications for International Auditing Standards", co-authored with Minlei Ye and Ping Zhang, Journal of International Accounting Research, 2015, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 221-234.
  • "Do Joint Audits Improve or Impair Audit Quality?" co-authored with Mingcherng Deng, Tong Lu, and Minlei Ye, Journal of Accounting Research, 2014: Vol. 52, No. 5, pp. 1029-1060.
  • "The Economics of Setting Auditing Standards" co-authored with Minlei Ye, Contemporary Accounting Research, 2013, Vol 30, No. 3, pp. 1191-1215.

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