
Bo Bian

M.Res., PhD (LBS)
Assistant Professor, Finance Division

Selected Publications/Working Papers

  • Individualism During Crises (with J. Li, T. Xu & N. Foutz)
    Review of Economics and Statistics (2022) 104 (2): 368–385
    Best Paper Award at INFORMS CIST 2020
  • Globally Consistent Creditor Protection, Reallocation, and Productivity
    Revise & Resubmit at Journal of Finance; Cubist Systematic Strategies Research Paper Award
  • Conflicting Fiduciary Duties and Fire Sales of VC-backed Start-ups(with C. Nigro & Y. Li)
    Best Paper Award at HEC-McGill Winter Finance Workshop
  • The Supply and Demand for Data Privacy: Evidence from Mobile Apps(with X. Ma & H. Tang)
    Best Paper Award at the 2022 Annual Conference in Digital Economics
  • The Real Effects of Legal and Trading Frictions in Collateralization


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