
Baek Jung Kim


Baek Jung Kim

BA (Korea University), MA (Duke University),
PhD (New York University)
Assistant Professor, Marketing and Behavioral Science Division

Selected publications

  • Frustration-Based Promotions: Field Experiments in Ride-Sharing (2022), with Maxime Cohen and Michael Fiszer, 68(4), 2432-2464, Management Science.

    First Place in the 2018 Best Cluster Paper Award - INFORMS Service Science; Finalist in the 2018 INFORMS M&SOM student paper competition.

  • Accounting for Causality When Measuring Sales Lift from Television Advertising (2020), with Henry Assael and Masakazu Ishihara, 61(1), 3-11, Journal of Advertising Research.

    2021 Best Paper Award of Journal of Advertising Research.

  • The Pareto Rule for Frequently Purchased Packaged Goods: An Empirical Generalization (2017). with Vishal Singh and Russell S. Winer, 28(4), 491-507, Marketing Letters.

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