
This UBC B+MM alum is harnessing entrepreneurship skills for a career in artificial intelligence

Posted 2024-01-24

Since moving across the world to complete her Master of Management degree (MM) at the UBC Sauder School of Business in Vancouver, Sophie Berger has co-founded Slate–a successful artificial intelligence technology start-up that optimizes mobile devices for creation and not just consumption, based in New York City. The UBC Bachelor + Master of Management (B+MM) alum is applying the entrepreneurial skills she learned at UBC Sauder to continue to drive Slate’s success.

Noting that the mobile keyboard has not changed since the first iPhone came out in 2007, Berger feels that there has been a lack of innovation in this space as the way we use our phones has significantly evolved. With this in mind, Berger and the Slate co-founders identified an opportunity to help improve the mobile experience, particularly with the rise of artificial intelligence. 

“If I send you a text saying let me check my calendar, Slate’s Google Calendar integration will automatically pull your availability,” explains Berger. “We want to build more integrations to automate the workflows that people are already doing on their mobile devices, for both input and output. If you think about it, why do we still need to hit these tiny buttons with our big fingers?”

Leaving a full-time job for entrepreneurial pursuits

After interning at LinkedIn as a software engineer, Berger was offered a permanent position and moved to San Francisco to begin her new role after graduating from UBC Sauder. Shortly after, Berger received a call from another UBC student who pitched her the concept of Slate. Excited by the opportunity to work with large language models, a type of artificial intelligence algorithm, Berger began working the evenings and weekends to build the early prototype with the two other co-founders. 

After launching on the Apple App Store with 10,000 users in the first two weeks, the Slate trio secured funding through Neo Accelerator. The three co-founders then agreed to commit full-time to Slate and Berger immediately moved back to Vancouver, all within six months of that very first phone call.

Slate co-founders: Callum Woznow, Chief Product Officer, Enrique Moràn, CEO, and Sophie Berger, Chief Technology Officer


Although challenging, entrepreneurship has its perks

Berger’s favourite thing about entrepreneurship is that every day looks completely different. From focusing on product and engineering, to interviewing potential hires, touring around Vancouver looking for an office space or working remotely from Austria – no two days look the same.

In addition to the fast pace and flexibility, Berger appreciates the connections she’s made as an entrepreneur. “The sense of community that comes from being part of the start-up scene in Vancouver has been incredible. So many people are passionate about entrepreneurship in this city, and it’s exciting to be part of it.” 


Building key business skills at school

While networking didn’t always come easily to Berger, she found it more enjoyable when she approached it from a place of curiosity, with a genuine interest in other people. “UBC Sauder gave so many opportunities to meet incredible people, whether it’s the faculty, guest speakers in lectures, or booths at an event. It created a space to connect where you feel empowered to share ideas with each other – and it’s a great place to meet co-founders.” 

Berger also appreciated learning alongside people with all different backgrounds and experience. “It’s not just people who study tech or business that become entrepreneurs, and it makes for very interesting class discussions.”

In addition to meaningful connections and a sense of community, Berger credits her business acumen to her UBC MM degree. “UBC Sauder taught me enough insights into the key elements of business that I can understand the unique complexities of each area – whether that’s sales, accounting, marketing, and so on. I don’t know how to be an accountant, but I can manage an accountant.”

Berger’s advice for students who may be interested in entrepreneurship

Berger encourages students to take advantage of the time that they’re in school. “School is a very safe environment. There are a lot of people you can work with in the UBC Sauder community – find inspiration in all the possibility and don’t be afraid to get your hands dirty and start building things. You will quickly realize if you’re the builder type or the management type. If you’re the management type and you still want to build something, find co-founders who are the builder type.”

Sophie Berger, Chief Technology Officer and co-founder of Slate


A Master’s Degree in six months

Since graduating with her B+MM degree, Berger reflects on how her education equipped her to be a successful entrepreneur. “The UBC B+MM program doesn’t just teach you how to be an entrepreneur, it teaches you how to take a passion you have and turn it into a business,” shares Berger. “You get a master’s degree in an extra six months – it’s a no brainer – and it gives you the ability to participate in meaningful business conversations that you’ll need to have as an entrepreneur. Even if you’re in a bigger organization, it’s not about becoming a specialist in all of the areas, but a general understanding of business that makes you a well-rounded professional.”