Events at UBC Sauder

Dhillon Centre Research Showcase

2024 Dhillon Research Showcase

The Peter P. Dhillon Centre for Business Ethics is proud to showcase research by winners of the “Business For Social Good”  and “EDI Catalyst” grant competitions:

This short research symposium will showcase grant-funded research about how business can contribute to the social good and topics related to equity, diversity, and inclusion. We will hear from a variety of faculty and graduate students from across UBC:

  • Karl Aquino (Marketing and Behavioural Science): “EDI, Victim Climate, and Employee Relationships”
  • Minjia Li (Accounting): “The Ripple Effects of Racial Diversity: From Boardroom to Supply Chain” 
  • Irein Thomas (Psychology): “Say It and Then Do It: Improving Institutionalized Land Acknowledgments to Motivate Settlers to Restorative Actions”
  • Gideon Odionu (Law): “Africanization of International Investment Law: Reconciling Sustainable Development, Climate Change Mitigation, and Foreign Investment in the Global South” 

Learn more about the Dhillon Centre research grants.