Brand Management Mentorship Program


Apply to the BMMP job posting on COOL by 11:59 pm Pacific Time on March 18th, 2024 with the following documents: 

  • Completed BMMP application & commitment form (available from COOL posting)
  • Cover letter explaining your motivation to join the program and plans for this summer
  • 1-page resume
  • Unofficial transcript for all university years (screen capture showing all courses is acceptable)

We reserve to right to take as few as zero candidates depending on the quality of applicants.

What is the cost and what must I commit to the program? 

  • Time commitment: Minimum 75 hours. Full and complete program preparation and attendance is a must.
  • Financial commitment: $300 per student. This is a cost-recovery program in which the mentors generously donate their time. The $300 student fee is used to cover the costs of flying the mentors in from Toronto and Montreal. We would like to thank the Dean’s Office for their financial support of the program.

Mentors’ right to terminate program involvement

The program’s long‐term success depends on the quality of students. Mentors reserve the right to terminate your involvement in the program at any time if we do not believe that your level of preparation or likelihood of success is up to par. 

Image of woman with a headset talking
  • Have a question?

    Our team is happy to help.

  • Get in touch

    Questions can be addressed to with subject line stating “BMMP Inquiry.”